IntroChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15
Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Attacking, Defending and Capturing
This is the most intense chapter so far-it is very important!
You must understand how chess pieces see the board, and how they attack/defend.
Ahead you will find 15 Studies and 16 Drills to practice everything in the book!
Study 1: Attacking, Defending and CapturingStudy 2: Attacking, Defending and CapturingStudy 3: Attacking, Defending and Capturing Study 4: Attacking, Defending and Capturing Study 5: Attacking, Defending and Capturing - Things to AvoidDrill 1: AttackingDrill 2: AttackingDrill 3: AttackingDrill 4: DefendingDrill 5: DefendingDrill 6: DefendingStudy 6: ForkStudy 7: Fork Drill 7: Find The ForkDrill 8: Find The ForkDrill 9: Find The ForkStudy 8: The PinStudy 9: The Pin - Absolute Study 10: Putting Pressure on the Pinned Piece Study 11: Another Pin Drill 10: Find The PinDrill 11: Find The PinDrill 12: Find The PinStudy 12: Skewer Study 13: Skewer - Rook Drill 13: Find The Skewer Study 14: Discovered AttacksStudy 15: Discovered Checks Drill 14: Find The SkewerDrill 15: Find The Discovered AttackDrill 16: Find The Discovered Attack