IntroChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: What Is A Draw?
Not all chess games are won and lost (or abandoned, like in Chapter 1).
You must understand when a draw, or a tie, is the best possible result.
Please review the studies ahead. If you are brave, try the 5 tricky stalemate puzzles at the end.
Study 1: Draw By AgreementStudy 2: Draw By RepetitionStudy 3: Draw By StalemateStudy 4: Draw By 50-Move RuleStudy 5: Draw By Insufficient MaterialDrill 1: Perpetual Check Drill 2: Perpetual CheckQuiz 1: Find the Stalemate Quiz 2: Find the Stalemate Quiz 3: Find the StalemateQuiz 4: Find the StalemateQuiz 5: Find the Stalemates